Legal information about the Café restaurant de la Mine website in Sahorre

Legal status: Personal business
Business name: Café Restaurant de la Mine
Represented by : Valérie MALATERRE
Publication manager: Valérie MALATERRE
APE Code: Pubs (5630Z)
Siret: 53021325500025
Main establishment:
6, route de Fuilla

Main telephone number:

Design of the Café Restaurant de la Mine website

The website was created by the Delta-Créanet web agency.
The graphic design of the site is by Delta-Créanet.

Personal information

The Café Restaurant de la Mine website creates session cookies which are useful for the operation of the site. These cookies do not collect any personal data and expire when you close your browser.

The Café Restaurant de la Mine website collects your IP address when you visit the site. This personal data is only used for anonymous statistical purposes.

If you write to Café Restaurant de la Mine using the contact form, the following data must be collected: Surname and first name, e-mail address, telephone number and any other information you provide voluntarily. Mandatory information is used for correspondence and may be entered in our customer records.


The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data and any other component of the website by any process or medium whatsoever is prohibited and constitutes an infringement without the publisher’s authorisation.

Hypertext links

The hypertext links present on the site and allowing access to other Internet sites do not engage the responsibility of the designer of the Café Restaurant de la Mine site with regard to the content of these sites.

Photo credits

The photographs are the property of Café Restaurant de la Mine. They may not be used without prior authorisation.


The website accessible at is hosted by the French company o2switch.

o2switch SAS
Chemin des Pardiaux
63000 Clermont-Ferrand

Main telephone number: 04 44 44 60 40